Registration fee:

Registration fee typeEarly registration, EUR
(before September 5, 2020)
Late registration, EUR
(after September 5, 2020
Online, EUR
IEEE, RAS or GFPS Members200300150
Registration fee for participant includes:
  • Publication in IEEE Xplore digital library
  • Participation in the conference sessions, exhibits
  • Conference materials
  • Proceedings on USB disk
  • Refreshments during the conference
  • Welcome reception and closing ceremony
  • Guided tour in Samara
The author presented more than one paper dedicated for publishing in Proceedings of dvm2020 should pay 50 Euro per each additional paper above the registration fee.


River Cruis and Dinnerwill be announced later

Registration Fee Payment

  1. After notification of the final paper acceptance download the Invoice form and fill it with your data.
  2. Send the filled form by email to
  3. You will receive the invoice for payment with return email.